Pre-treatment self-care

  1. Hydrate - Drinking water before a massage is recommended because hydrated, soft muscles are easier to manipulate than dehydrated, rigid ones. Also, many Ayurvedic treatments help to drain wastes of the body by stimulating circulation and lymph flow. Drinking 2L throughout the day will hydrate the body, help to replenish the lymphatic system and keep body fluids moving to prevent stagnation, thereby assisting elimination of wastes or impurities that may be released into the body’s circulation during treatment. Warm water or herbal teas are best, as warmth promotes opening of the bodies channels. Avoid black tea, coffee, and any other stimulants.

  2. Eat Lightly - Please avoid eating within the hour prior to your treatment so that you are not digesting food while laying face down which can disturb digestion, create a sluggish feeling or even discomfort in the chest. A light snack such as a piece of fruit is okay.

  3. Freshen up - however you like. Wash your face to remove makeup and please rinse your feet, you might like to shower if you are coming from work or gym. A warm bath prior to your treatment can also improve the treatment results. There are bathroom facilities available for use.

  4. Wear something comfortable that you don’t mind possibly getting slightly herby/oily.

  5. Remove contact lenses & makeup to prep for face massage.

Post-treatment self-care

  1. After this treatment you will feel fresh and invigorated. Go with whatever your feeling but don’t push yourself. Schedule in time to relax. Avoid busy and stimulating or stressful environments and intense work/ exercise. A walk is recommended shortly after this treatment.

  2. In the cooler months make sure to stay snug and warm!

  3. After 1 hour you might like to have some food. Choose something light, easy to digest and warm. (Dahl, soup, stew, fruit, fresh juice, porridge, veggies, rice, stir-fry)

  4. Avoid caffeine, alcohol & stimulants & stay hydrated.

Things you might want to know

  • Your therapist will not initiate conversation during massage. It is best not to talk unless it is related to the treatment and your experience, eg pressure, room temperature. This allows the practitioner to focus and the client to relax deeper.

  • It is requested that you put your phone to do not disturb during your ritual.

  • Please use our bathroom facility to wash your hands upon arrival.

  • You will shower at the clinic after your herbal scrub.


This treatment is not advised where there is:

  • Menstruation day 1 - 3 or heavy bleeding

  • Vaccination in the last 3 weeks

  • highly sensitive skin, sunburn, eczema or psoriasis.

  • fever / flu / cold

  • recent surgery

  • cancer

  • uncontrolled high / low blood pressure

  • breathing difficulties / serious heart concerns / blood clot / Arteriosclerosis

  • contagious or chronic skin conditions (ring worm / warts, chronic eczema)

  • pregnancy

Please inform the practitioner where there is:

  • Allergies to oils, herbs or foods like coconut or ginger…

  • Sprains, strains, wounds. easy bruising

  • diabetes, osteoporosis, arthritis, fibromyalgia