Pre-treatment self-care

  1. Hydrate. Avoid caffeinated tea, coffee, alcohol, and other stimulants.

  2. It is preferable if you do not eat shortly before your treatment so that you are not digesting food while laying down. You may consume something small/light such as a piece of fruit.

  3. Freshen up & remove makeup & contact lenses.

  4. Wear something comfortable.

  5. Bring something to keep your head covered after the session. A hair turban, old towel, shower cap or sarong to wrap around your head work well. This is less important during summer as your head won’t be subject to the cold elements.

Post-treatment self-care

  1. Enjoy some peace, quiet and rest after your session in a restful place. Please do not rush to leave the clinic. Dress slowly and take time for a cup of tea. Avoid busy, stimulating or stressful environments and intense work after a shirodhara as you will be more sensitive and open to impressions from around you. Keep any conversation soon after your treatment uplifting & ask your family to support you with this.

  2. In the cooler months make sure to stay snug and warm!

  3. Let the oil condition your hair for 1 hour or longer. You’ll need to do a double shampoo when you’re ready to wash your hair.

  4. Avoid caffeine, alcohol & stimulants & stay hydrated.

Things you might want to know

  • Your therapist will not initiate conversation during massage. It is best not to talk unless it is related to the treatment and your experience, eg pressure, room temperature. This allows the practitioner to focus and the client to relax deeper.

  • Please put your phone on silent mode.


This treatment is not advised where there is:

  • fever / flu / cold

  • vaccination in last 3 weeks

  • recent surgery

  • cancer

  • uncontrolled high / low blood pressure

  • breathing difficulties / serious heart concerns / blood clot / Arteriosclerosis

  • contagious or chronic skin conditions (ring worm / warts, chronic eczema)

  • seizure

  • during cranial-sacral therapy

  • aversions to oil

  • pregnancy after 20 weeks

Please inform the practitioner where there is:

  • Allergies to oils, herbs or foods ei: lemon, coconut, ginger…

  • Aversions to particular scents or essential oils

  • Sprains, strains, wounds, easy bruising

  • diabetes, osteoporosis, arthritis, fibromyalgia